Saturday, February 13, 2010

Update Feb. 13 - 2010 Pro's Or Con's " Alkaline Diet - Weight Loss Program " By Health Experts

Alkaline diet is defined as a diet program which helps to maintain the blood Ph levels in it's natural state between 7.35 and 7.45, thereby helping our body in absorption in vitamins and minerals resulting in weight loss. Today, our diet contains more acidities leading to chronic illness and loss of health. By increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables, it helps to reduce the intake of meat, salt, and refined starches,thereby benefiting our health. It is recommended by some practitioners if a person has the following symptoms of lack of energy, excessive mucous production, nasal congestion, over weight, etc. Please consult your doctor before applying.

Recommended Reading
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases

The Acid Vs Alkaline Diet - Key Facts
By Graham Stoking Platinum Quality Author

Acid vs alkaline diet is a relatively uncommon synonym for the alkaline diet. This healthy diet is sometimes also termed the acid alkaline diet or the acid alkaline balance diet. Despite the differences in terminology, however, these phrases all refer to the same concept: By eating more alkalizing foods and fewer acidifying ones, you can cause your body to become more alkaline. In turn, a mildly alkaline internal pH will provide you with the best chance to experience a perfect state of well-being.

In large part, health is a matter of balance. Perfect balance equals perfect health. On the other hand, an imbalance leads to illness. For instance, too high a caloric intake causes obesity, while too low a caloric intake causes wasting. Too high or too low a dietary sodium level... Too high or too low a blood level of LDL cholesterol... Too much or too little acidity... In every case, the center of the balance beam is the best place to be.

In practice, however, few people in the United States are at risk of taking in too few calories or too little sodium, or of having a dangerously low level of LDL cholesterol. Our contemporary diet pushes us in one direction. Similarly, it is far more common for our bodies to be too acidic than too alkaline. This is because we eat a great deal of meat, dairy products, processed grains, sugar, and alcohol, but few of us get enough alkaline-forming fruits and vegetables in our diets.

People often think of an opposition between acid and alkaline elements. But if we want to be exact, instead of thinking of it as the "acid vs alkaline diet," it would be better to think of it as the "acid alkaline balance diet." Like yin and yang in Traditional Chinese Medicine, acidity and alkalinity are not inherently positive or negative. It is our responsibility to attain a state of balance between these interconnected elements.

Graham Stoking is a passionate advocate of nutrition, exercise, and the healing power of nature. He writes about the acid alkaline diet also known simply as the alkaline diet.

Recommended Reading
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases

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