Alkaline diet is defined as a diet program which helps to maintain the blood Ph levels in it's natural state between 7.35 and 7.45, thereby helping our body in absorption in vitamins and minerals resulting in weight loss. Today, our diet contains more acidities leading to chronic illness and loss of health. By increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables, it helps to reduce the intake of meat, salt, and refined starches,thereby benefiting our health. It is recommended by some practitioners if a person has the following symptoms of lack of energy, excessive mucous production, nasal congestion, over weight, etc. Please consult your doctor before applying.
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The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
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Acid Alkaline Diet
Acid and Alkaline foods have been proved to charge up your body levels particularly with the Alkaline Diet. To test this out, I followed the Alkaline Diet rigorously with a view of being able to boost up my energy levels and bring a change to my metabolism process.
Initially I noticed that my energy levels would vary diversely after every second moment. At one second I would be "I'm Great" and two minutes later I would be "I'm Bad". Nonetheless, it resulted in developing a great amount of unpredictability with my power levels and for some reason I could not maintain my state of mind over body. At a very young age I was a witness to a close one suffering from a Heart Attack just about when I was picking up momentum.
This resulted in me being totally shattered and devastated. Consequently, I began to become obsessed with my health issues. It was simple. I wanted to live and not be stressed about it. I looked at every possible avenue that seemed possible in learning how my body works and how to live a healthier lifestyle. While many may say that my emotion at that point of time was 'acting under the influence of', it still managed to grip me towards the situation of living healthily.
From a great amount of research, I learnt that the diets of our ancestors mostly comprised of vegetables and an occasional bout of meat. As I noticed closely, I realized that times have changed and so has the food. With global economical changes, there has been a rise in the number of population eating acid rich foods. Averagely, the American and the British diet consist primarily of foods with acidic content. This includes fish, meat, poultry, cheese, milk and grains.
All of these food materials consist of acidic bases. Adding to this, there has been a greater amount of fast food establishments that contribute only to the food cravings and not the health supplements that are required. Overall, all these food materials have contributed in devastating ways to the food culture to create serious health problems with a great number of individuals of the world.
Studies have shown that in the United States alone, one in every four individuals lose their lives due to heart ailments. From the remaining three, one is susceptible in getting cancer. This makes 50% prone to the risk of dying from Heart Attacks or Cancer. While these figures maybe shocking to the average reader, what I am implying is not to become super-fit or follow a strenuous work out diet. Your life is your life at the end but I personally feel a healthier life is better appreciated in the long run. Hence, I believed that it was about time that I brought about a change in my lifestyle regiment and maintained a neutral balance in my body. After all I wanted to enjoy life and be able to maintain a good social profile as well.
While trying to further analyze my body. Another thought came across my mind. I realized that not everyone's body is the same. Hence I decided to go in-depth in understanding the basic requirements of every human body. I have found it advised in holding an intake of around 70% to 80% of alkaline foodstuffs and a 20% to 30% of acid values. There are no specifications here, neither is it rocket science. One glance at your plate will help you decide if 70% of the food is alkaline. One of the greatest questions that I found to be unanswered generally was how much of alkaline food should one consume? The answer to this questioned was answered when I studied my symptoms. Few of the symptoms that are listed, would help one in determining the quantity of the food that should be consumed.
Energy Loss
Disproportionate Mucus Formulation
Nasal Clogging
Recurrent Flu and Cold
Irritability and Anxiety
Ovarian Cysts and Other Bodily Cysts
Head Pains
It has been a proven fact out of mine and countless experiences that the boosted energy levels that are obtained from eating alkaline rich foods are enormous. This is by no means a bogus boost but its simple eating. Eating the correct quantities of the right food will help in a long way in not only increasing energy levels but it aids improving skin complexion as well as boosting self morale. Eating the right food has been one of the prime reasons why today I am in the pink of health. My boosted levels of morale and fitter body have placed me at the center of my social circle anywhere I go as a pua and otherwise.
To further augment my living standards I went more into detail. I was happy with the results and I wanted more without over doing it. I studied that acidic water compared to alkaline water could retain less amount of oxygen. This included water in the cell bodies as well. To increase the amount of oxygen in my cells, I therefore needed to increase the water in my body by eating the right food. Alkaline food provided me with the answer yet again. To do this, I followed a simple one minute technique. It's pretty simple and you can try it too. Breathe in for not more than 2 seconds and hold air in your lungs for around 4 seconds.
Holding unadulterated oxygen in my lungs just for four seconds was a feeling that was truly unimaginable. In more simple words: Truly Healthy. Just imagine with an alkaline environment, how much oxygen can be taken into the body. Following an alkaline based diet will thereby help you get that continuous oxygen feeling into your body consistently. Just imagine the feeling post that! Now you can understand how it has been beneficial with me and how it can do wonders with you as well.
Thos acid/alkaline ingestion and consumption technique is a fairly simple one but still remains a big secret to many individuals. A simple study of home science or back to school science will help you deduct the mystery further. If you want to test the acid/alkaline levels in your body, simply do a PH test. Simply touch the tip of your tongue to a PH stick and you can get a good idea of what your lifestyle seems like to the naked eye.
Get yourself some good quality PH sticks and see the results. I manage to maintain my PH levels by consuming PH9 and PH8.5 foodstuffs that keep my body regulated and allow me to monitor my energy levels easily. I strongly suggest that if you want to develop a healthier lifestyle, get some PH sticks today and inform me of the changing developments. I'm sure you're going to see some splendid results.
Peace & Love Robert King (Kingy) Article Source: | |
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases
Knowing a whole bunch of acid alkaline diet recipes and how to create more is an important part of maintaining the acid alkaline diet even when it becomes tough because many people who stop do so because they become bored of the food. The thing is, there are many great recipes and ways of preparing a meal plan that will not only alkalize your body but taste great and are varied too!
Herbs & Spices
The unsung heroes of the alkaline diet are herbs and spices. Any dish can become a tasty meal with the addition of some spice and chopped up herbs because nearly all of them are alkaline foods!
Any leafy green herbs such as parsley, coriander, basil and so forth can be cut up fresh and sprinkled over the top or added to and cooked with many dishes.
Spices such as cumin, cayenne, nutmeg, allspice, paprika and others also add a dash of heat or a sharpness to the flavors which liven up any dish.
Anyone who plans to really stick with it and alkalize their body needs a cupboard with these ingredients on hand to make sure no meal time seems like a chore.
Limited Acidic food
No one said that you cannot eat any acidic food in the alkaline diet! The important thing is that you must reduce it and heavily. So while another alkaline salad might seem like a rabbit food nightmare you can be a little naughty perhaps and add a tiny bit of meat. Some meat of fish cut into thin slices and added to a salad can give some different flavor as long as the amount is quite small. This principle can be applied to most of your meals but try not to do it too often or increase the amount of acidic foods over time to your dishes. The important thing is that your overall alkaline consumption far outweighs the acid consumption in your acid alkaline diet recipes.
For more information on acid alkaline diet recipes as well as more information on foods and best practices of making your body more alkaline visit my blog listed below!
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Recommended ReadingThe Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases
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