Saturday, October 10, 2009

Update OCT 10 - 2009 Pro Or Con " Alkaline Diet " By Health Experts

Alkaline diet is defined as a diet program which helps to maintain the blood Ph levels in it's natural state between 7.35 and 7.45, thereby helping our body in absorption in vitamins and minerals resulting in weight loss. Today, our diet contains more acidities leading to chronic illness and loss of health. By increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables, it helps to reduce the intake of meat, salt, and refined starches,thereby benefiting our health. It is recommended by some practitioners if a person has the following symptoms of lack of energy, excessive mucous production, nasal congestion, over weight, etc. Please consult your doctor before applying.

Recommended Reading
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases

An Alkaline Diet and Cancer
By J Lee Roche

I have decided to talk about having an Alkaline diet today. I feel it is very important and will play a huge part in your recovery. Cancer loves an acidic body. Why? Because the cancer feeds off acid.

Each cell in your body takes in oxygen, glucose and nutrients which pushes out the toxins from your body. The cells are protected by your immune system. Unfortunately as the body gets acidic your immune system cannot fight the toxins and your cells lose the capacity to take in the right amount of oxygen and that's when they go bad. This is when the cell gets affected by cancer.

Cancer will not live in your body if your alkaline level is at a pH level of 7.4. The higher the pH level gets, the more cancer and the cancer cells will die.

Cancer cells will not live in a high oxygen environment. They only thrive if your oxygen level is very low and the acid content in your body is very high.

So - keep your alkaline level high and your body and immune system will stay strong. This leads to your cells getting plenty of oxygen and discarding their toxins. Cancer will not thrive or multiply under these ideal conditions.
An alkaline diet will not only benefit cancer, it will fight many dis-eases. You can purchase alkaline supplements and they are a good way of introducing alkaline into your diet. But remember, fresh is best.

Steamed or raw vegetables are best and they include - Avocado, Barley grass, Barley, Cabbage, Lettuce, Cucumber, Dandelion, Endive, Beetroot, Garlic, Wheat Grass, White Beans, Tomatoes (I can hear you saying "But they're acid". Yes they are until they get into your stomach and they become alkaline), Lemons, Celery, Broccoli (AND LOTS OF IT), Limes, Squash, Spinach, Red Cabbage, Capsicums, Carrots, Cauliflower, Green beans, Leeks, Onions, Turnips.
Basically any vegetable is good for you, but I do recommend that you eat less potatoes. Try not to have them on your plate every night.

You will be amazed at how quickly you will feel healthier, especially if you avoid the red meat. In a later article I will list the vegetables in categories, but for now this will be a good start for you. Get healthy and feel the difference!

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases

The Alkaline Diet and Weight Loss
By Joan Masterson

To ascertain whether following an Alkaline Diet can help us lose weight, we need to understand how the Alkaline diet works as well as the role that various foods play in this diet.

First of all, we need to know that any and all food that is digested by our bodies all metabolize down to an ash residue. This ash residue can be either neutral, acid, or alkaline.

It is also important to understand that the cells in a healthy body are
bathed in an alkaline fluid. Acidosis, or over acidification of body fluids and tissues cause an imbalance in these cells, which can lead to sickness and disease, as well as storing extra fat in the body tissue.

Over acidity in the body casues the blood to try and neutralize the acidity by pulling in alkaline salts from the bone and tissue which can lead to a whole myriad of diseases.

Foods that create acid residues in the body are:

1. Coffee

2. Black teas

3. Soft drinks or sodas

4. Meats and other flesh proteins

5. Eggs & Dairy products

6. Products that contains yeast (e.g. bread)

7. Fermented foods like soy sauce, miso, alcohol, vinegar, and sugar

The founder of this diet, Dr Young, has also found that all sugars - white and brown, maple syrup, corn syrup, high- sugar fruits as well as fruit juices, and even vegetables high in sugar like carrots and beets contributes to excess fermentation in the blood, which in turn creates excess acidity in body fluids.

A high acid content in the body fluids will in turn trigger the body to create fat to bind or hold the acidity and store it under the skin. This fat can be stored in places like our stomachs, buttocks, thighs, arms and even under our chins in order to prevent the acidity from harming our vital organs.

Acids as the name implies, will burn or erode tissue, so in essence, creating fat to store it in as to keep it from harming our bodies is in fact a life saving occurrence. While we should be thankful for it we don't need to become enslaved by it once we understand why it happens.

Once you understand this process of how your body reacts to what you eat, you can then start adopting a new way of living and eating. Changing our diet to lessen the self preservation reactions like creating fat, will lead to us having healthier, leaner more efficient bodies.

By indulging in delicious food and drinks that will not trigger the fat creation reaction,we should then be able to freely eat and drink food that will nourish our bodies, satisfy our appetites asn well as help maintain a healhty alkaline body. This way of eating is also the very best way to prevent our bodies from premature aging.
To sum it up. While the Alkaline Diet is not a diet in the traditional sense that is aimed at huge weight loss, introducing an alkalizing diet into our lives is one of the best ways to regain and to maintain an ideal weight for life.

The Alkaline Diet recommends a balance of 80/20 which means that one's diet should consist of at least 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods. It is important to keep to a balance in the foods that we eat to ensure healthy bodies. Just as one will get sick if your body is too acidic, if your body is too alkaline it will also lead to getting sick.

There are many healthy foods that we can choose from to ensure that our bodies get the nourishment and energy it needs.

The Alkaline Diet lifestyle is great in that we don't need to follow extreme fad diets anymore to lose and maintain weight. Our bodies have an extraordinary capacity to heal itself. By giving our bodies food that is hydrating and asy to digest we make it easier for our immune systems to cope with the diseases that it has to fight off on a daily basis. We need to look for those foods that are most molecularly supportive in maintaining our inherent alkalinity.

Once a person has become symptom free, or once you are down to your ideal weight, then you can start reincorporating high sugar fruits and vegetables back into your diet. While these fruits and vegetables are good for you if you are healthy, in an unbalanced body it places an extra burden on the body because of their fermentation qualities.

Another rule of thumb that will be good to remember is that any foods that are dry, are acidic ,whereas foods that contain lots of water are alkaline. So next time if you are not sure whether something is acid or alkaline, just ask yourself, is the food wet or dry.

Download your FREE Alkaline Food Chart and visit us for more info on Alkaline Benefits

Article Source:

Recommended Reading
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases

Alkaline Cancer Diet? Yes, it Can Offer Prevention and Cure
By Erica Polaris Platinum Quality Author

Alkaline and cancer. There has been links reported which suggests that your diet could be putting you at risk of developing cancerous cells within you. Something as simple as what you are eating can be playing a very detrimental role in your health now and in the future.

Weight gain has always been an issue. High cholesterol levels have always been an issue. But now there is another reason that is becoming more abundantly clear in the public consciousness, another reason why looking at your eating habits is an essential part of your life.

Cancer can thrive, live and be born into low oxygenated systems. It's where the link has been made. When the body has more than enough acid, ingested from foods, than it knows what to do with, or knows how to cope with, serious issues start to arise. Lack of alkalinity in the blood means low oxygen. Low oxygen in the blood means low oxygen levels in your body. Research, scientific evidence, and testimonials show this link between low oxygen levels, lack of alkaline and cancer.

A natural alkaline balance in your body is prevalent to maintaining health. When these levels are compromised because of an unhealthily high level of acid in your diet, it can start changing your body into a breeding ground for infections and serious illnesses.

Acid deposits build up, kill off cells and cells that do survive, do so only because they change. They adapt by becoming abnormal. Malignant. Cancerous. The fact that cancer has been shown to be acidic gives more pointers to leaning towards an alkalizing diet.

Things can be controlled, and the old adage that prevention is the best medicine bears a lot of weight. Simply by eating more alkaline foods like fruits and vegetables can help keep your inside clean, your immune system strong, and your vital organs in a stress free environment.

Alkaline and cancer just don't appear to go together. For that reason alone, adapting your lifestyle to an alkalizing diet can prove essential to a healthy life.

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