Alkaline diet is defined as a diet program which helps to maintain the blood Ph levels in it's natural state between 7.35 and 7.45, thereby helping our body in absorption in vitamins and minerals resulting in weight loss. Today, our diet contains more acidities leading to chronic illness and loss of health. By increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables, it helps to reduce the intake of meat, salt, and refined starches,thereby benefiting our health. It is recommended by some practitioners if a person has the following symptoms of lack of energy, excessive mucous production, nasal congestion, over weight, etc. Please consult your doctor before applying.
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What is the Acid Alkaline Diet Anyway?
By Jason Katz
The acid alkaline diet has become quite popular in recent years, however it should not be confused with some hyped up, quick fix diet 'fad'. No the acid alkaline diet is about becoming conscious of the foods and drinks you consume and understanding their effects on your body.
The little known effects of food on the body
When I speak of 'effects' I am talking about whether these foods or drinks have an acidic or alkaline effect on the body. See what happens is once our food is digested, it leaves behind a residue in the intestines. The PH of this residue either makes it acidic or alkaline.
Now our bodies are naturally slightly alkaline so the whole theory behind the acid alkaline diet is that we need to maintain this slightly alkaline state in order to maintain good health. Sound simple enough? It really is simple.
What happens with this acidic or alkaline residue is it absorbed into the bloodstream and then travels around the body to all of the cells, tissues and organs. The whole PH of your blood is effected by this residue and the state of your blood IS the state of your health.
When the trouble starts
The health problems begin when you are consuming too many foods that create an acidic residue in the body, such as refined sugars, caffeine, dairy and meats. Studies have shown that the typical western diet is 80-90% acidic which many believe is why there is pandemics such as obesity and diabetes as well as many other debilitating ailments.
The acid alkaline diet serves to reverse this by encouraging us to create a diet lifestyle where 80-90% of our diet is alkaline forming in the body and this maintaining the natural slightly alkaline state of our blood. Remember the state of our blood equals the state of our health and our cells can only be as healthy as the fluid that surrounds them.
So what are the best alkaline foods?
Foods like fresh green vegetables including broccoli, spinach and celery, citrus fruits especially lemons, limes and grapefruits. These are just known as the strongest. Basically any raw fruit or vegetable will have an alkaline effect on the body and will work toward increased health.
The basic rule of thumb is to simply reduce the amount of fats, dairy, sugar, caffeine you consume and massively increase the fresh fruits and salads (minus the fatty dressings) in your diet. Hardly rocket science is it and certainly nothing new.
The other recommendation from this acid alkaline 'way of life' is to increase the amount of water you drink. Not by sculling down 8 glasses before breakfast, but rather sipping water throughout the day, all day long.
A simple solution
If all of this sounds too hard for you to do or you are just looking for an easy way to start, then simply squeeze some fresh lemon juice into your water bottle. The water will keep you hydrated and the lemon will help to keep you alkaline.
If you drank a few gallons of your lemon water per day, you would be making a solid and positive contribution to your long-term health. Add in some regular exercise such as walking or swimming, coupled with some deep breathing throughout the day and you have a time-tested recipe for long-term health, which is what we all really want is it not?
Jason Katz is a personal trainer with a passion for nutrition and helping people to lose weight. He also loves to write on a variety of niche topics including wood stove pipe products and Metalbetos stove pipe installation.
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The Alkaline Diet Strategy
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What is the Acid Alkaline Diet?
By Nathan Inglis
Everyone wants to lose weight, get a healthier body and look and feel fabulous but the options to do this are often confusing, dangerous or obvious quick fixes that do not produce long term results. Into this fray comes the acid alkaline diet. What is the acid alkaline diet you ask? Lets take a closer look.
The idea behind this diet or detox as some also call it is that our eating habits as a species has developed over tens to hundreds of thousands of years. Our bodies adapted to what we ate from well before we developed civilization. This means that some of the foods we have developed in just the last few thousands of years and more recently in the last hundred years is very different and not as good for out body.
We suddenly eat a lot more items not eaten often by our prehistoric ancestors such as milk, more fish, more meat, sugars, salt and industrially made processed food products.
What this means is that our bodies were evolved to digest certain foods which ended up giving us a pH level that is slightly alkaline of pH neutral. The foods listed and many more are converted into acid which turns our blood and body to a more acidic state which bring a whole raft of sicknesses and problems that are more modern diseases than previous peoples.
The acid alkaline diet therefore is not a fad to starve you to death but it is one that makes a healthier body which in turn will shed fat and give you more energy and a better immune system. This can all be achieved by consuming the right sorts of alkaline foods and minimizing the acidic foods which will start to change your pH level to alkaline.
For more information Acid Alkaline Diet including food lists, recipes and much more click below to visit my blog!
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Recommended Reading
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases
Detoxify and Fight Arthritis Naturally With Diet and Alkaline Water
By Nina Meister
To fight arthritis effectively and make any progress toward recovery, you have to detoxify by reducing the acids in your body. You must begin by detoxifying and then maintain that detoxified state. A few changes in diet can help, but drinking alkaline water will neutralize the acids leading to a much more thorough, natural and long term detoxification and balanced body. Return your body to an alkaline state rather than an acidic state and you can live the pain free quality of life you deserve.
1- Reduce or eliminate the amount of animal protein in your diet such as meat and dairy products. Animal protein is very acidic and the main contributors to Arthritis. Reduce the animal protein in your diet and this will help you detoxify and fight arthritis at the most basic level.
2- Eating more fresh fruits and vegetables helps you detoxify. Organic or home grown is best since they contain no pesticides or preservatives. Fruits and vegetables are alkaline foods. Arthritis cannot thrive in a balanced body where alkalinity is higher than acid.
3- Exercise regularly. Exercise helps your body detoxify by releasing toxins. You need to sweat in order to get the most out of your detoxification process.
- Water is a natural purifier and the most natural way to detoxify. You need to drink a minimum of two quarts of water per day. However, most bottled water is acidic, therefore you are only adding more acid to your system. Alkaline water is pure mineral rich water that cleanses with every drink. Change your water and this alone can change your health and help you fight arthritis even more than a change in diet.
Don't rob yourself of the quality of life you deserve with a crippling disease such as arthritis. Whether you have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis or another form such gout, lupus, bursitis, tendinitis, scleroderma or carpel tunnel syndrome, you can fight arthritis by drinking alkaline water. Making a few changes in your diet can help initially, but to detoxify thoroughly and maintain an alkaline state alkaline water is a must.
To learn more about detoxifying with alkaline water and how it can help you fight arthritis, request my free eBook at