Monday, July 27, 2009

Alkaline Diet

Alkaline diet is defined as a diet program which helps to maintain the blood Ph levels in it's natural state between 7.35 and 7.45, thereby helping our body in absorption in vitamins and minerals resulting in weight loss. Today, our diet contains more acidities leading to chronic illness and loss of health. By increasing consumption of fruit and vegetables, it helps to reduce the intake of meat, salt, and refined starches,thereby benefiting our health. It is recommended by some practitioners if a person has the following symptoms of lack of energy, excessive mucous production, nasal congestion, over weight, etc. Please consult your doctor before applying.

Recommended Program
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases

Top 5 Alkaline Diet Weight Loss Tips
By Will Johnson Platinum Quality Author

Tip #1 – Drink, Drink then Drink some more!

By far the most important and yet the easiest way to accelerate your alkaline diet weight loss results is to hydrate consistently.

Avoid Coffee, tea, soda and other acidic drinks.

Tip #2 - Avoid Foods with preservatives, food colouring and additives.

The body wasn't designed to digest these chemical substances, so it must either: eliminate them, neutralize them or park them away where they can't damage your body.

Tip #3 - Avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague

If you have been trying to lose weight, chances are you have relied on artificial sweetners to cut calories. You are shooting yourself in the foot on an alkaline diet. They are toxins as in tip #2

Tip #4 - Always have cut veggies and soaked nuts ready in your fridge

How successful do you think you would be in your alkaline weight loss program if you had to fight your craving along the way, every minute of every hour of every day? I bet not too successful.

Well, if you were on an alkaline diet, this would not be an issue because your craving would disappear by themselves over time. I get into that in much more detail in my e-book "Acid Alkaline Diet Simplified" (see

Optionally, pick up a couple of varieties of hummus to dip the veggies in for added taste.

Tip #5 - Make a huge salad every 3 days

Ever come home so hungry you're ready to eat the first thing that you can get your hands on? Do you regret binging on the junk food, and wish you could have made something better to eat?

If you prepare a huge salad that would last you 3 straight days, you will never come home and wonder what you can eat. With a salad in your fridge - ready to eat - you can eat right away and it's great for an alkaline diet.

Did you know your body can easily return to it's natural weight balance? Click here to find out how an alkaline diet can do this simply -

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Recommended Program
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases

Does An Alkaline Diet Help You Lose Weight? A Review Of The Evidence
By James Khan

Probably the first scientific studies on digestion were done by Ivan Pavlov who became famous for his 'salivating dogs'. Pavlov showed that the digestive enzymes released and the amount of acid secreted depends on the type of food.

His experiments with rats showed that starches are digested in about two hours, proteins are digested in about four hours but a protein-starch mixture could still be digesting 13 hours later. With dogs, again the protein-starch mixture took over twice as long compared to the same food consumed separately.

Pavlov also showed that food taken on top (i.e. before digestion has completed) can lead to fermentation. This happens when you eat fruit after a meal; many people say that it gives them gas.

What could account for Pavlov’s results?

The enzymes essential for digestion only function at specific pH levels; proteins and carbohydrate enzymes require opposite pH levels. If you mix them together in the same bag, you won’t be able to digest either food properly.

"Most fruits go straight through the stomach into the duodenum for digestion, which means if you put fresh fruit on top of a big meal, it has to sit and wait in the top of the stomach until the other food is digested, during which delay bacteria attack the fruit and ferment it, gobbling up all the nutrients and leaving you with gas and metabolic wastes."
Daneil Reid, Trophology: The Science of Food Combining, "The Tao of Health".

In 1908 Dr Howard Hay after practicing medicine for 16 years developed High Blood Pressure, Brights Disease and a dilated heart. As there was no treatment available, Dr Hay decided to find a cure for his own symptoms. He looked at his food intake and the chemical process of digestion, the enzymes that are essential for this process and whether the food has an overall acidifying or alkalizing effect on the body.

To the amazement of his colleagues, he had a complete remission of his symptoms in 3 months of changing his diet. He also reduced his weight by 20kg's. In 1911 he introduced his Food Combining guidelines and gave lectures till his death about the need to combine foods properly and reducing acidifying foods from the diet.

If you think there's nothing to acid-alkaline food combining, try this: one day for lunch eat a steak with chips, and monitor how you feel after an hour or so. Next day eat the same steak, but with a large vegetable salad. Which day did you feel more tired, drowsy?

Try feeding your dog meat and biscuits for a while, see how he feels!

Try an acidifying McDonald's diet for a month.

If you’re still alive, try an alkaline diet of alkaline water, fruits, vegetables, juices and super greens for a month. You’re guaranteed to lose weight from this diet – it’s over 95% water!

Some doctors maintain that all food is acid in the stomach and becomes alkaline in the intestines from the pancreas secretions. The blood pH range is so narrow that any measurable change would cause death. Even a bottle of ant-acids won’t affect the acidity of the stomach for long.

These scientific facts don’t mean that an alkaline diet is useless or that the body can magically process food in any old combination!

Remember Pavlov’s results? Why are so many people that eat at McDonald's fat and why did Spurlock nearly die? The fat content is not that high - a Big Mac apparently is 100% grilled beef, the chips are fried in vegetable oil and there's no fat in the cola! Could it be the acid, the high glycemic load and the bad combinations?

Such foods play havoc on our blood sugar and pH levels. As Daniel Reid explains the sugary 'soft drink' is an 'acid bomb':
"A 350 ml serving of Coke, Pepsi or similar drink delivers a sugar fix equivalent to about 9 teaspoons of sugar straight into the blood stream. This instantly acidifies the bloodstream to the extreme point that without an immediate emergency response from the body, it would kill you in a mater of minutes…you'd have to drink 32 glasses of alkaline water to neutralize the blood pH…to prevent death by acidosis, the body reacts swiftly by drawing huge amounts of organic calcium from the bones and teeth and pouring it into the bloodstream to neutralize the excess acid and quickly restore alkaline balance. Calcium is the body’s most potent alkalizing agent"

Are there any clinical studies to settle this issue?

A study called "Cola beverage consumption induces bone mineralization reduction in ovariectomized rats" (the rats were fed cola - acid, pH 2.5 - and the effects on bone density measured) suggests that "heavy intake of cola soft drinks has the potential of reducing femoral mineral density".

Dr L. Frassetto’s team at the University of California discovered that as we age, starting around age 45, we lose the alkaline buffer bicarbonates in our blood:

"Our group has shown that contemporary net acid-producing diets do indeed characteristically produce a low-grade systemic metabolic acidosis in otherwise healthy adult subjects, and that the degree of acidosis increases with age, in relation to the normally occurring age-related decline in renal functional capacity."

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that alkalizing diets improve bone density and serum growth hormone concentrations; the acidosis resulting from acidic diets contributes to bone and muscle loss.

Sang Whang in his book “Reverse Aging” proposed a Theory of Aging: we age because we gradually accumulate organic acid wastes. These wastes show up as uric acid, urate, sulfate, phosphate, kidney stones and other organic wastes often surrounded by cholesterol. Cellulite is a gel-like substance made up of fat in which are trapped acid wastes in pockets below the skin.

Dr Robert Young, author of “The pH Miracle” has been saying this for years – “Obesity is an acid problem, the fat is saving our lives.”

Should I eat alkaline foods and stop eating acidifying things like red meats?

Yes eat plenty of water-rich alkaline foods; but there’s no need to avoid any food that contains good nutrients in it like my favorites lamb kebabs and sashimi. As Patrick Holford, author of ‘The Optimum Nutrition Bible’ says “moderation in everything, including moderation"’!

Acid-alkaline diet food charts come from the pH of the ash that results from burning food; it’s caused by the unburned minerals. However, just as burning petrol creates exhausts, over 97% of any food metabolized creates acid wastes. At less than 1%, alkaline minerals are a fraction of the nutritional content of food and the overall acidity produced.

Clinical studies show that alkaline mineral water is the best way to obtain alkaline minerals and acid waters like colas are the best way to quickly deplete them!

The most nourishing alkaline foods are nature’s super greens – spirulina, barley and wheat grass powders. Mix half a tea spoon in alkaline water daily. This will give you more nutrients then a basket full of vegetables. Other super foods are EFA oils and bee pollen.

So eat a nutritionally balanced diet of natural whole foods and combine them sensibly. Most of all drink lots of alkaline mineral water.

Your weight will take care of itself.

James Khan is the editor of a mind-body health resource. He has been detoxifying, fasting and cleansing himself for over 15 years, and has been practicing Yogic, Tibetan and Taoist traditions for 30+ years.


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Recommended Program
The Alkaline Diet Strategy
Say Good-Bye To Low Energy, Poor Digestion
, Extra pounds, Aches and Pains, and Diseases

Alkaline Diet and Arthritis - Weight Loss to Relieve Health Problems
By Harold McDaniels

Arthritis can be more than a living hell. People with arthritis have difficulty moving their arms and legs normally. Though there are widely available medicinal treatments for arthritis, such as anti-arthritis relievers, there is a healthier, natural way to get rid of it.

The alkaline diet has several good benefits for people experiencing body pain due to arthritis. How can this weight reduction plan become helpful for people with arthritis?

The pain caused by arthritis is dreadful. This intense pain only distracts your mind off work and the more important things. You can remedy this problem by limiting yourself from carrying excessive weight of materials. If you experience arthritis during work, ask your supervisor or any authority figure for a day off. You need to take a break to relax your joints.

The rebound technique is a recently discovered method that tops the lineup of arthritis remedies. This was created specifically for arthritic persons. It is precisely linked to the alkalizing method of fasting and exercise. With the rebound technique, you bounce back to your shape by following the alkaline diet while exercising regularly. Arthritics have continuously relieved themselves through the rebound method.

The rebound technique has eventually influenced the diet plan of many arthritics. It also helps alkalize and detoxify the body, especially the strained parts.

Curing arthritis doesn't only involve taking supplements and relievers to gain pain-free joint movement. The alkalizing way of dieting also sets a wide space for arthritics. Also, take care to fulfill your recommended dietary allowances and stick to less salts if you are committed to alkalize dieting.

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